What to Expect

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What to expect from your Naturopathic Visits

A visit with your Naturopathic Doctor (ND) will be quite different than a visit with your Medical Doctor (MD). First, you will fill out a very detailed intake form in order for your ND get an understanding of your complete health profile. Bring with you to your first appointment any recent lab results and imaging you may have with you. If you don’t have these, we can make a request to your MD by fax if you provide us with your MD’s name and telephone/fax number. It is also preferable if you bring all of your medication and supplements with you to your appointment or at the very least provide a list with the brand, supplement/medication name, dosage and how long you have been taking them.

Naturopathic medicine is an individualized form of health care and requires a commitment from you in order for any health improvements to occur. Changes to your lifestyle and diet may be suggested and a treatment plan devised to accommodate your individual needs will be recommended.

First Initial Visit

Your first visit with an ND is 60-90 minutes long as there will be a lot of information to sort through and a lot of information will be provided to you. You will leave this visit with an initial treatment plan, a food log to complete (if required) and depending on your needs, you may receive a treatment which is included in the visit cost such as Acupuncture, Massage, Hydrotherapy, Homeopathic Remedy (1 dose), etc. Between visits, the ND will continue to research and understand the connection between your symptoms, determine a long-term treatment plan to get to the root cause of your condition and work with you to tailor it to your individual needs.

Second Visit

Your second visit may range from 30-60 minutes and is usually 2-4 weeks following your initial visit. It will involve a detailed discussion about the changes you have implemented since your initial visit and the ND will review your food log and any other documents (such as lab work) pertaining to your health situation. If an in house treatment plan has been implemented (i.e. Acupuncture treatment), this will be continued and included in the cost of your visit. In addition, the ND will then discuss with you the second part of your treatment plan which will be more focused for the long term.

Follow-up Visits

Following your second visit, follow-up visits can range from 15-60 minutes and may be scheduled anywhere from 1-8 weeks. The frequency and lengths of your visits depend on your health situation, the severity of your condition and the treatment plan.



Most insurance plans have Naturopathic coverage therefore please check with your provider to ensure that you get maximal coverage for your visits. When you arrive at your appointment, you will be asked to pay upfront and then submit your receipt to your insurance provider following the appointment in order to be re-imbursed. Generally your visit will be covered however you may not be re-imbursed for supplements or dispensary items. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Cheques and Cash payment.

Cancellation Policy

We require 48 hours notice of cancellation prior to any appointment or 50% of the visit fee will be applied.

Fragrance-Free Area

If you are visiting our physical location in Ajax for our services, please refrain from wearing any strong odours from perfumes, deodorants, colognes, lotions, etc…